Indices & Seasonality

Geospatial Data

Crop-, range-, and wildland systems require frequently updated data for monitoring plant health and condition, surface moisture, and snow. TerraPulse produces a variety of satellite-based indices at up to 30-m, daily resolution, as well as longer-term summaries of historical conditions and their variability.

Indices & Seasonality


TerraView showing the most recent daily acquisition of Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) in the map window and the complete time-series for the pinned location in the charting window.

Geospatial Data

Crop-, range-, and wildland systems require frequently updated data for monitoring plant health and condition, surface moisture, and snow. TerraPulse produces a variety of satellite-based indices at up to 30-m, daily resolution, as well as longer-term summaries of historical conditions and their variability.

Standard Data Products

Case Studies

The terraPulse NDVI dataset maps vegetation productivity at up to 10-meter, weekly resolution
The terraPulse Snow Cover dataset maps snow on the ground at daily, 500-meter resolution
The terraPulse phenology layers map the dates and productivity of the growing season

Case Studies

road pathway through
white flower on
snowfall in forest

percent of area


Spatial: 30-m resolution, global extentextent
Temporal: annual resolution from 1984 – present




previous year