Crop & Rangelands

Geospatial Data

TerraPulse hosts the US Department of Agriculture Cropland Data Layer for visualization on terraView and download through terraServe. The data cover the conterminous US at a resolution of 30 meters from 2008 to the previous year. Coverage may be greater or lesser depending on regional agricultural intensity. The data represent 107 agricultural crop species and types, as well as seven non-agricultural types.

Crop & Rangelands


Figure 6. The terraView dashboard showing the USDA Cropland Data Layer over the conterminous US in 2020. The USDA CDL dataset is available at 30-meter, annual resolution over the conterminous US from 2008 to 2020.

Geospatial Data

TerraPulse hosts the US Department of Agriculture Cropland Data Layer for visualization on terraView and download through terraServe. The data cover the conterminous US at a resolution of 30 meters from 2008 to the previous year. Coverage may be greater or lesser depending on regional agricultural intensity. The data represent 107 agricultural crop species and types, as well as seven non-agricultural types.

Standard Data Products

Case Studies

Coldwell Banker uses terraPulse to monitor loss of Florida’s orange groves
The US Bureau of Land Management uses terraPulse to improve forage for mule deer and livestock
The Utah Agricultural Extension service uses terraPulse to inform ranchers statewide

Case Studies

rows of crops
tilled agricultural soil
clear soil and

percent of area


Spatial: 30-m resolution, global extentextent
Temporal: annual resolution from 1984 – present




previous year